Easy Snake Remedy
Proven Snake Prevention
Use this Snake Remedy
as soon
the weather begins to warm.
One of the most
frightening things
can be
finding a snake
in your home or yard.
Snakes are Dangerous if surprised !!
This simple snake remedy can help
to make your home and yard safe
and free from snakes.
Depending on how large of home
and yard you have...
Buy enough boxes
of Old Fashion Moth Balls
to surround the area and an extra box
or two for snake hiding places.
Continue reading below for more hints
and tips about snakes.

How to use the Snake Remedy.
Buy Old Fashion Moth Balls.
Do Not get the Cedar scented ones.
Using a handful of Moth Balls
toss them
so they fall about 6 inches to a foot apart..
this takes a little practice.
Walk and toss them as an invisible fence
around your yard and living area.
Toss extra Moth Balls under the house
and buildings, behind and into firewood piles
Under equipment thats outdoors and in your area.
Around old cars or other hiding places
on your property.
Any place you can think of where
there may be a snake,
toss a few moth balls.
Don't forget
to put moth balls out
before you
do the yard work in the spring.
Wash your hands when finished.
The Moth Balls last for months
depending on how much rain
the area gets.
If you find a snake or it rains for many days
then its a good idea to replace them.

Click to Go to Herbal Page
Click for Herbal Remedy Page
Author's Notes:
After living in the widerness for 15 yrs I can testifythat this works very well for keeping all snakes at bay.
I used an average of 6 boxes to treat about a five acre yard and large home. Determine where you want yoursnake invisible fence to be in reference to your living area. I make one large circle around our home,animal pens and horse barn.
The one year I didn't do this we had 6 rattlesnakes visit us but other years had no snake visitors with Moth Balls.
I don't think they like the odor.
Warnings and Safe Guards
* Do not let young children help or have a chance to put the moth balls in thier mouths.
* Young animals and other animals usually do not attempt to eat the moth balls because of the odor ...although a chicken will peck at it, it doesn't like it after one peck.
* Do not buy the Cedar Moth Balls.
Read about Tick Disease in People
Tick Disease, Lyme Disease, Spotted Fever

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